Thursday, February 28, 2019

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh Just Delivered a Death Blow to Dems Trying to Block Border Wall

Newly appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh participated in an extremely important case this week where they succeeded in helping to secure America against outside threats.
On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to hear a case that would challenge the Trump administration’s border wall proposal.
The case was brought by environmental groups who allege that they wall and construction would pose a threat to endangered animals and violate environmental laws.
In the case, the groups are asking the court to reject a law signed in 1996 by then President Bill Clinton. It provides the executive branch with the complete authority to waive environmental laws if those laws are found to impede construction of barriers or roads around the border.
Because the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, the ruling handed down in February by a federal judge in San Diego will remain in place. That ruling states that the executive branch retains the authority to waive the environmental laws impeding construction of the wall.
Thank God we have President Trump in office to appoint judges who will follow the rule of law and our Constitution.
SHARE if you support the border wall.


  1. Tune in to see the wall to protect American people from the onslaught of illegal drugs and potential terrorist attacks

  2. Thank You Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh for helping President Trump to get the wall built!!!!

  3. Ditto to all those who said, "Build the wall!! And thank you Justices for following the rule of law!!"

  4. Thank you Justices. Americ's Wall needs to be built!


  6. God bless our President and those who side with him ! He's the only President who actually loves this country and it's people no matter what race or religion ! MAGA !

  7. Finally, judges who don't cater to the PC CRAP. LIVES and security are a great deal more important than a bug about to become extinct. Where is good old fashion common sense!!!!

  8. Let’s stop talking about it and get ‘er done!

  9. BUILD THE WALL.....there is too much territory all around for animals to do their 'thing'' ! environmental groups who allege that they wall and construction would pose a threat to endangered animals and violate environmental laws. They want to protect the animals...but... not people? wow!

  10. Great, now get the wall built!!!

  11. Hey people!!!..
    When are you going to realize that our one true GOD has the plans and future of our United States of America already made... Its a done deal folks... What ever President Trump does or says
    is what God tells him to do or say........
    Can I get an AMEN!!!!

  12. as of this month of March there has been 6,000 people that got across into the US. That is 6,000 too many- we have to stop them now- We the people can't afford to pay for these people comming in. And all the money spent on the Trump Witch Hunt also.

  13. Build the wall, Make America Greater Than Ever . And stop catch and release, no more illegals aliens in our Country . PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!


  15. Hey Congress do you remember Kavanaugh LOL


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