Saturday, March 23, 2019

3 House Democrats Indicted for Bribing Michael Cohen

The Democrats are reeling this afternoon after three of their superstar freshmen were indicted on charges of bribing Michael Cohen for his testimony. According to Special Agent Bluto Larst of the FBI’s Congressional Crimes Division, they weren’t even careful about it:“These three have a lot of explaining to do. Not only did they transfer more than $30 million in cash into a numbered Swiss Bank Account in his name, they also took him out to Arby’s. Twice.”As if the $30 million wasn’t enough. The FBI convened a grand jury of their peers from the Fort Worth area, and since none of the three has ever been there, there won’t be a conflict of interest or a bunch of people who have heard the story. The charges are aiding and of bedding a known criminal, bribery of Congressional testimony, Conspiracy to commit treason and misuse of taxpayer funds.
Since the roast beef came from not only a pressed loaf of unidentifiable pressed cow but the Congressional petty cash fund, the taxpayers will get their retribution for Cohen spreading horsey Sauce on their dime.
If convicted, the three could have their assets seized as traitors and spend the rest of their lives in jail. We called their offices and got no answer.


  1. I pray this is true and the all end up in prison

  2. I want all the demoncratic party members to permanently imprisoned with a death sentence

    connected onto their sentencings

    WE US need to show our seriousness on crimes like these

    imprisonment is just spending more of our US taxpayers $dollars$ for these crimes

    TO WHAT??

    live longer as WE US $taxpayers$ prolong their imprisoned condemned lives

    Well I scream NO

    though I will pay for their political corrupt condemned immediate deaths

    Amen & Amen!!!
