Sunday, March 24, 2019


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested that the salaries for members of Congress should be increased to ease the financial burden on members and decrease the incentive to cheat.
But, according to an INSIDER poll, 55% of Americans think Congress should get a pay cut.
Just 9% of people agree with Ocasio-Cortez and think lawmakers should get a raise.
Studies show that increasing pay for government officials can decrease corruption.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman Democrat who has taken Congress by storm, recently advocated for a salary bump for Congress. But a majority of Americans actually want to see lawmakers pay get pay cuts.Ocasio-Cortez first brought attention to the finances of lawmakers after the midterm elections with stories about her own financial struggles during the transition period between the election and the swearing-in of the new Congress.

The New York progressive again drew attention to the pay on Capitol Hill by announcing that staffers in her office would make at least $52,000, well above average.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Everyday Joe's struggle especially if there's only one income in the house, military struggles and our elderly barely survive but the people on Capitol hill want higher pay. Um, no

  3. I survive off of 290 pay a week, I pay rent, utilities, Bill's, insurance, buy my own groceries have no state assistance, have vehicle maintenance and so on. I make it! These people are greedy


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