Thursday, March 21, 2019

Congress Dazed By Cruz Takedown – Their Careers Might Be At An End

Ted Cruz is going after Congress, and they are NOT happy.
Being from Texas, I’ve kept an eye on Senator Ted Cruz for a while now. During the campaign, things got a little rough between him and President Trump.
Luckily, Cruz eventually saw the light and has recently become a very useful ally to the President.
He’s back in the news this week and he’s going after one of the deepest swamps in DC.
(No, I’m not talking about Hillary’s campaign)
Or rather, the lack of term limits. I’m sure most of you know this, but it still blows my mind that we have term limits on our Presidency, but not Congress.
The potential for corruption is insane, and Senator Cruz is trying to pull the plug.
Cruz and Florida U.S. Rep. Francis Rooney, a Republican, introduced an amendment last week to limit U.S. senators to two six-year terms and members of the U.S. House of Representatives to three two-year terms.
What do you think? Only two terms (12 years total) for Senators and three terms (6 years total) for the House.
The terms would apply starting now, rather than retroactively, but it would be an amazing first step.
President Trump has also pushed this bill as a way to “Drain The Swamp.”
SHARE if you agree with President Trump!
Cruz went on to say:
When it comes to the American people, there is widespread, diverse agreement that limiting career politicians is good for America,” he said.
Too long politicians have been able to sell out to big corporations in order to keep the cushy seat in Congress.
Once they are elected, there is no limit to how long they can hold the seat and its verydifficult to unseat them once they have millions in funding — all the while lining their pockets making them rich.
Thank you Senator Cruz for stepping up and taking on the beast. They will hate you for it because you threaten the establishment.Stand strong and keep up the good fight. We support you 100%!


  1. I still think 12 years are too long where the crooked Democrats are concerned!

  2. a better thought is to have elections where 75% of the vote is required to win or a new election and totally new candidates must run.....when money determines who wins or loses, that is not a free election....that's why the same bums keep getting elected....same old broken
