Sunday, March 17, 2019

Democrats Spinning Over Lindsey Graham Move – Congress Is Closing In

Lindsey did the dirty work for Trump – he’s blasting a spotlight on the Washington swamp.
Lindsey Graham has enjoyed an impressive hot streak lately, and it just got a lot hotter.
He was a lion during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation, standing up to the corrupt Democrats.
And with Lisa Page’s latest statements going public on Obama’s DOJ and Hillary, he’s pushing full steam ahead.
From Real Clear Politics:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told FNC’s Sean Hannity Wednesday night that the Department of Justice must answer two questions: Did they stop the Clinton investigation because they wanted her to win? Did they start the Russian investigation against Trump as an insurance policy in case he won?
Graham is calling for a special counsel to look into potential crimes committed by those DOJ officials that put Clinton’s case on ice.
We know that the FBI suspiciously shut down the investigation into Clinton’s illegal email server.
Patriots speculated that the DOJ put pressure on the FBI to end it so that Clinton would have an easier time winning the election.
Now, after Lisa Page’s testimony was released, she’s claiming that’s exactly what they did. According to her, they outright ordered the FBI to drop the case.
With Graham’s demand, Trump supporters are getting what they’ve been asking for.
Finally, we might get a serious investigation into Obama and Hillary’s actions in 2016.
Looks like the DOJ and FBI violated their own responsibilities to interfere in the election.
That would be a pretty terrible disgrace of our democracy.
And to think, Democrats have accused Trump of obstruction!
SHARE to thank Lindsey Graham for calling on Congress to investigate Hillary!
Source: Real Clear Politics

1 comment:

  1. Go at it full strength.They are one ugly bunch.And they are suppose to work for the Country.......They work for themselves......A Disgrace.
