Saturday, March 23, 2019

Fox News Sells It’s Soul, Brazile, Then Ryan, Now They Sign Joe Biden’s Former Top Aid As Their Chief Lobbyist

Opinion – Well, this doesn’t look good.  

Fox Corp, the parent company of Fox News, has hired Danny O”Brien to be its chief lobbyist.
NEWSMAX – The parent company of Fox News has hired a former top aide to Joe Biden as its chief lobbyist in Washington.
On Tuesday the new Fox Corp., a spin-off of 21st Century Fox which just merged with Disney, became a standalone public company, controlling television assets such as Fox News and the Fox television network.
Broadcasting & Cable reported that new Fox “hit the ground running on day one” with its Washington lobbying operation headed by Danny O’Briena well-known Democrat.
O’Brien was brought on last October as executive vice president and head of government relations for the Fox Corp.
Previously, he had served as Senator Joe Biden’s chief of staff and went on to head Biden’s 2008 presidential campaign.
In just a few days we have observed as Fox News:
  • Jettisoned Judge Jeanine Pirro for pointed, but entirely reasoned and well-measured criticism of freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar
  • Hired former Al Gore campaign chief and former DNC head, Donna Brazile.  Brazile provably lied to Fox’s audience in a previous interview during the 2016 presidential but that didn’t give the Murdochs’ pause.
  • The Murdochs also appointed never-Trumper Paul Ryan to it’s management board.  Ryan, you’ll remember essentially ran a campaign in opposition to President Trump for the past two years.
Now comes the announcement that O’Brien has been appointed the go-between between Fox Corp. and Congress.  How much does Fox Corp. seek to influence Congress gives way to concerns that Fox News has opened a back channel for Congress to influence Fox’s presidential campaign reporting.
Consider that Fox, under the pro open borders management of Rupert Murdoch traveled this road before.

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