Monday, March 18, 2019

Just In: AG Barr Tells President Trump That His Declaration Of Emergency Is “Clearly Authorized Under Law”

Opinion| As promised, President Trump issued his first veto, killing the bill to block his declaration of an emergency at the southern border of these United States of America.
the president did not make this decision on his own, his new Attorney General, William Barr was present and in agreement with Trump’s assessment of his powers as granted by the Constitution of the United States of America.
David Harris Jr made an interesting point, comparing President Trump’s declaration of emergency to the 13 Obama signed while POTUS stating:
 “Obama signed 13 emergency declarations, and if you want to say it’s not the same as Trump’s declaration, I couldn’t agree more. Obama declared emergencies to help the people of  Ukraine, Burundi, Venezuela, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Yemen, and Libya, among other countries. President Trump signed this declaration to protect Americans. Think about that a while. Democrats were all for sending our money overseas and have gotten downright nasty when it comes to using our money here.”
Attorney General Barr remarked:
Mr. President your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent… The humanitarian and security crisis that we currently have right now on the border is exactly the type of emergency that presidents are permitted to address.
Tom Fitton, one of the most important legal scholars of the day and the leader of Judicial Watch agrees with AG Barr:
Several Border Angel parents joined President Trump during the signing to kill the congressional bill blocking the president’s emergency declaration.
Despite the tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing into America each month, the tons of illegal narcotics and strain on the US economy Democrats and 12 turncoat Republicans voted to kill the president’s emergency declaration.
On Friday Attorney General Bill Barr sided with President Trump. Barr said the president “absolutely has the right to declare a national emergency on the southern border there. He says the veto is the right thing to do. And the declaration will hold up in a court of law.

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