Tuesday, March 26, 2019


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is now going all out to lower the official federal voting age to 16-years-old. She made the statement at a press conference in Ferguson, Missouri. The left wants impressionable, immature teenagers to vote because they are easily manipulated and cave to peer pressure. The Democrats say they are too young to own a gun, drink, smoke, or serve in the military, but voting is just peachy.
“We’re obviously collecting thoughts about it. Just because someone has a good idea — any of us — doesn’t mean it’s going to the Floor next,” Pelosi said. “It means you go through the process. You build consensus. You build a crescendo. That’s another club I’m starting: the crescendo club.” Please spare us.
Pelosi went on to say, “You have an idea? Let’s see how many people you can convince. Let’s see what the other views are that we can enhance this.”
She says she has always supported lowering the voting age. This is the same woman who loves gang bangers mind you. The Democrat-proposed legislation, known as the “For The People Act” (H.R.1), includes a debate over a failed amendment intended to lower the voting age to 16 years of age. The amendment was defeated 126-305, but H.R.1 passed.
“I myself, personally — I’m not speaking for my caucus. I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” Pelosi said last week. “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school, when they’re interested in all of this, when they’re learning about government to be able to vote.”
You mean when they don’t even know what the system or the right entails yet. They know nothing about politicians or politics in general. The Democrats want easily swayed kids who are being brainwashed by Marxists to have a say in the leadership of the country. That’s a horrific idea.
From The Daily Caller:
“The Speaker further elaborated on her thoughts concerning the issue Monday night when she joined Missouri Democratic Rep. Lacy Clay to talk about and take questions about H.R.1, as well as the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019 (H.R.4).
“ …. When kids are in high school is really a prime time for them to be aware of civics. Many years ago, when I was in school, civics was a requirement. Then — remember that? Well, you don’t remember that, but you read about it.”
“She continued:
“But then, it became an elective, and I don’t know. There were other things kids took instead. So, the point is that when they are in high school, we see such a heightened interest in history and civics and climate and gun safety and you name it. And that would be a time for them to be registered to vote. Now, we want to start something that might say ‘register to register.’ But you’ve got to get them on there because once they leave high school, not all kids go to college. And even if they do, they might not be in that same sense of community that they as high school students can make a big difference. More and more, more and more.
“Pelosi previously supported a local effort two years ago in San Francisco known as Proposition F, which would have lowered the voting age for municipal elections, but the measure was defeated.”
In other words, get them while they are too young to make independent choices. As The New American astutely put it, “She may not expect wisdom from the mouths of babes, but she sure expects Democrat votes.”

Since 2013, thirteen states have proposed bills to lower the voting age. Some of the proposals are strictly for school board elections while others are for state elections. Some American leftists have actually proposed lowering the voting age to 14. Oregon lawmakers proposed lowering the voting age late last year, with Democrat State Senator Shemia Fagan saying that 16-year-olds should have the chance “to participate in the ballot — about decisions that affect their homes, their clean air, their future, their schools and, as we’ve seen, their very lives.”

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