Monday, March 25, 2019

Trump Drops Hammer On Joe Biden, Publicly Embarrasses Him

President Trump just fired first shot in coming war with Joe Biden and landed a knockout blow.
Biden has never faced an opponent like Trump. In fact, the only national election Joe ever won he was the undercard on Obama’s ticket.

He rode Obama’s coattails into the White House, and because the field of Democrats is so weak and the left is so scared of another 4 more years of Trump, they want to bring out uncle Joe one more time.
Desperation does not win elections. Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. The only thing Trump has to decide is whether to destroy the Dems now, one by one, or wait until a victor emerges in the primary.

President Trump on Monday called Joe Biden a “low I.Q. individual” after the former vice president had a slip of the tongue and nearly announced he was running for president in 2020.

“Joe Biden got tongue tied over the weekend when he was unable to properly deliver a very simple line about his decision to run for President,” Trump tweeted. “Get used to it, another low I.Q. individual!”

Trump has previously deployed the “low I.Q.” line of attack against a number of critics, including MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and actor Robert De Niro.

The president was seizing on a mishap from Biden over the weekend where he told a gathering of Delaware Democrats that he has “the most progressive record of anybody running for the … anybody who would run” for the 2020 nomination.

Attendees began applauding as Biden repeated the phrase, “Of anybody who would run.”
Biden has long been mulling a presidential campaign for 2020 and is considered a near certainty to jump in the race.

The former vice president has been an ardent critic of the president, and caused a stir last year when he said he would have “beat the hell out of” Trump in high school over his degrading comments about women.

Biden has typically hovered at or near the top of polling among Democrats on their preferred 2020 candidate. 

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