‘The Donald’ is demanding real action – SNL won’t be laughing for long.
President Trump enjoys good comedy like the next guy. But Saturday Night Live crossed the line, and Trump wants them to pay for it.
Late night shows tend to poke fun at politicians – as long as there’s an (R) in front of your name.
But most believe SNL’s sketches of Trump aren’t funny—they’re just disrespectful. Especially the one that aired this weekend. From Daily Mail:
Saturday night’s repeat featured a parody of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ with Trump shown imagining his life if he had never been elected president. Actor Alec Baldwin frequently lampoons the president as a fumbling, incompetent commander in chief.
So they imagined if Trump had never been president, and what a better world it would be. Funny? You decide.
President Trump thinks Saturday Night Live is not treating him the same way as they did to Obama. Instead, they are using it as a constant commercial for the Democrats to try and beat him.
And even with all the negative coverage from the media and all the late night shows, his approval rating is still higher than his predecessor.
Are they really imagining what life would be like without a President Trump? A world with higher unemployment, higher taxes, and a border out of control?
So Trump is doing what he thinks is best – he is asking if shows like SNL that rail against him should be investigated for working with the Democrats.
Is that fair? Should President Trump investigate SNL?
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