Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s testimony under oath was just leaked, and it contains certain bombshell information that is rocking Capitol Hill and beyond. Page admits it was Barack Obama’s Department of Justice that gave the stand-down order on the Hillary Clinton email prosecution. But, that’s not all. You don’t want to miss this.
Lisa Page, the former FBI lawyer who found herself at the center of the scandals involving Hillary Clinton’s emails and the Russia investigation, gave bombshell testimony behind closed doors last summer. Now, the 800-page transcript has been leaked, and it’s really bad news for Barack Obama and his Department of Justice.
“Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe last summer that ‘the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information,’ the congressman alleged in a social media post late Tuesday, citing a newly unearthed transcript of Page’s closed-door testimony,” Fox News reports.
Page and since-fired FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, who were romantically involved, exchanged numerous anti-Trump text messages in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, and Republicans have long accused the bureau of political bias.
But, Page’s testimony was perhaps the most salient evidence yet that Obama’s Justice Department improperly interfered with the FBI’s supposedly independent conclusions on Clinton’s criminal culpability, Ratcliffe alleged.
The Texas Congressman posted the partial transcript on Twitter, tweeting, “Lisa Page confirmed to me under oath that the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information.”
“So let me if I can, I know I’m testing your memory,” Ratcliffe began as he questioned Page under oath, according to a transcript excerpt he posted on Twitter. “But when you say advice you got from the Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to —”
Page interrupted, “That is correct,” as Ratcliffe finished his sentence, “— bring a case based on that.” Responding to the transcript revelations, Trump on Wednesday tweeted, “The just revealed FBI Agent Lisa Page transcripts make the Obama Justice Department look exactly like it was, a broken and corrupt machine. Hopefully, justice will finally be served. Much more to come!”
“Comey testified (under oath) that it was a ‘unanimous’ decision on Crooked Hillary. Lisa Page transcripts show he LIED,” Trump posted Wednesday afternoon.
One of the biggest revelations was that Page, along with her boyfriend—FBI agent Peter Strzok, said that the infamous “insurance policy” text message was referring to the Russia investigation.
“Page was questioned at length about that text — and essentially confirmed that this referred to the Russia investigation while explaining that officials were proceeding with caution, concerned about the implications of the case while not wanting to go at ‘total breakneck speed’ and risk burning sources as they presumed Trump wouldn’t be elected anyway,” Fox News reported. “Further, she confirmed investigators only had a ‘paucity’ of evidence at the start.”
Paucity means “the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts,” which tells us they really had nothing, in our opinion, and conjured fake evidence as they went along. Think about it. Page admits they didn’t think Trump would win, but just in case, they created out of whole cloth this bogus connection between Russia and Trump. When Trump won, they just went ahead with their “insurance policy” in a soft coup attempt against President Trump.
And, what about the Special Counsel? It was instituted by those rats who were trying to cover their own tracks. The Special Counsel would be a “distraction,” the shiny object that the rats would point to when anyone dared to question their illegal spying on the Trump campaign.
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein was the rat who created the Special Counsel. The other rats involved in the soft coup attempt were James Comey, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Obama’s CIA Chief John Brennan, Obama’s Deputy Director of the FBI Andy McCabe, Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and many lower-level rats who have left the FBI and DOJ, hiding under rocks.
And, did you notice how Nancy Pelosi made an announcement saying that she would no longer be seeking to impeach President Trump? As if on cue, now that the truth has come out, the Speaker has to back down.
“I’m not for impeachment,” said Pelosi. “This is news. I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
“I greatly appreciate Nancy Pelosi’s statement against impeachment,” Trump said in a tweet. “But everyone must remember the minor fact that I never did anything wrong, the Economy and Unemployment are the best ever, Military and Vets are great – and many other successes! How do you impeach a man who is considered by many to be the President with the most successful first two years in history, especially when he has done nothing wrong and impeachment is for ‘high crimes and misdemeanors?’”
Lisa Page’s testimony is just the tip of the iceberg. We bet, in the months to come, more and more will come out. It’s been rumored the new Attorney General Bill Barr could be re-opening the Clinton email scandal. Regardless, this is devasting news for the Democrats.
Armed with this information, President Trump will hammer any Democratic candidate who is brave enough or stupid enough to run against him in 2020. The Democrats cost the American taxpayers millions of dollars as they insisted on the bogus Special Counsel, and they almost got away with ousting a duly-elected president. What comes around, goes around, and the truth will set us free.