Monday, March 18, 2019

Risky Decision To Expose Michelle Obama Live on Air Puts Judge Jeanine In Hot Water


She believes that it is perfectly fine to go around and preach to the citizens of America about how they should feel and think.
For example, back in December, Oprah Winfrey had Michelle on her show for an interview. The second Michelle felt like she had the opportunity, she began bashing President Trump. She claimed that the United States has “lost all hope now that Trump is President,” and then continued on with more extreme criticism.
The problem for Michelle Obama? Judge Jeanine Pirro had something to say about her sickening comments. She had enough of Michelle Obama’s unneeded comments and wasn’t afraid to let the world know exactly how she felt.
Michelle Obama was quoted saying “see, now, we are feeing what not having hope feels like. You know. Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept and Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was a nice slogan to get votes. He and I and so many believe, what else do you have when you do not have hope?”
On the contrary, Michelle, President Trump has given our country to hope we had been missing for eight long years. Trump is a man who has been working for decades to make the world a better place for everyone, and for Michelle Obama to claim that with Trump in charge there is no hope is completely ludicrous.
Judge Pirro didn’t overlook Michelle Obama’s comments.
She stated “you lived a life few can even imagine at the citadel of power and prestige in the world. You and your husband, blessed by God, and the American people, with the unique and historic opportunity to not only lead America from that shining place on the hill but impact Americans and give them hope virtually no others can. Now that you’re leaving, hope is gone?”
This was the harsh reality that Michelle Obama needed to hear.
I couldn’t have said it better myself, Judge Pirro. How can Michelle and Barack be so ignorant to think that Americans wouldn’t eventually start seeing through their facades?
The video below shows Judge Pirro explaining her point of view on Michelle’s comments… and she certainly didn’t hold back.
President Trump restored hope for America when he was elected President of the United States. After eight years under a hateful man like former President Barack Obama, it was extremely refreshing to have a man who could deliver real results come into the White House.

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