Democrats thought Donald wouldn’t dare after the shutdown – here it comes.
Thanks to the Democrats—both within our border and without—the caravans keep coming.
We said this would happen months ago. When migrants see they can force their way through—with no wall to stop them—they’ll keep coming.
The latest group has swelled to around 12,000. When will it stop? How bad could it get?
Well, Democrats might not care. They’re willing to shut down the government to stop the border wall.
But Trump cares. And he just made a powerful move to keep Americans safe.
From Military Times:
Thousands of troops will be headed to the U.S.-Mexico border to meet President Donald Trump’s request to enhance security there, the Pentagon confirmed Tuesday…
They will be tasked with adding more concertina wire to the U.S.-Mexico border and supporting surveillance, DoD said…
“As the Acting Secretary said, we are supporting our federal partners on the border and that mission has been extended until September.”
SHARE to thank Trump and our brave troops for protecting our border!
Our border is just as much a concern for our military than anything else.
If Congress refuses to protect Americans, the president will use our Armed Forces.
Criminals, cartels and worse threats want to enter our country. Liberals in D.C. look the other way.
They obviously don’t care if American lives are lost, thanks to an open border.
But President Trump refuses to let that happen. Thousands of troops will be deployed, ensuring our border is safe.
Until the wall is built, that just might become the status quo.
SHARE to thank Trump and our brave troops for protecting our border!
Source: Military Times
Go President Trump were behind you.