Tuesday, March 12, 2019

BREAKING SCANDAL: Schiff in Hot Water, Calls for Ethics Investigation and His Recusal

The walls are closing in, as calls for an ethics investigation into Adam Schiff and his recusal from further Team Trump investigations are growing louder.
The latest scandal where his team met with Michael Cohen extensively comes after Schiff was already busted having a “secret meeting” with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson.
PJ Media reported that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) sent staffers to meet with President Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, at least four times for a total of 10 hours just prior to his public testimony before Congress last week, Fox News reported Friday.
Cohen told House investigators about the meetings this week, sources familiar with the matter told Fox. The sessions were wide-ranging and broached many topics that were raised during the hearing, leading Republicans to accuse the Democrat of essentially coaching the witness.
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The bombshell discovery that Michael Cohen privately met with House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff for a whopping 10 hours prior to testifying to Congress late last month has some convinced that the congressman coached him on what to say during his testimony.
“[T]hat’s not just talking to someone about the logistics of their testimony,” Republican congressman Mike Turner noted Friday evening on Fox News’ “Hannity,” hours after it was learned that Cohen’s meeting with Schiff spanned 10 hours over at least four different days.
“That’s actually talking to them about their testimony. That’s when coaching can happen, that’s when suggesting of answers happens. This is certainly very concerning. And it shows orchestration. They say this is a professional investigation. This is professional orchestration.”
He added that it’s telling that congressional Democrats spent only four hours grilling Cohen but a whopping 10 hours allegedly preparing him to testify in front of Congress.
According to host Sean Hannity, an ethics investigation needs to be launched, and Schiff needs to recuse himself from the ongoing investigations into President Donald Trump.
“That’s like the teacher giving you the questions to a test ahead of time. Staff ten hours. Were they coaching? This now needs its own investigation. What he did with Michael Cohen would be called witness tampering. And it’s not a first for Adam,” he said Friday.
Last year the California congressman met with Glenn Simpson, the founder of the opposition firm that produced the phony dossier that was used to spy on Trump’s campaign and possibly spur the launch of special counsel Robert Mueller’s fruitless investigation into Russian collusion.
Schiff never disclosed this meeting, which is relevant given his prominent role in investigating the president for crimes that have so far not been shown to have ever occurred.
In fact, the meeting occurred around the same time that the House Intelligence Committee, of which he was the ranking member of at the time, received evidence from Justice Department official Bruce Ohr that contradicted testimony Simpson had previously given to lawmakers.
The first to call for Schiff’s recusal was House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
“Given Chairman Schiff’s previous underlying rationale when calling for others to recuse themselves from Russia-related investigations, in order to avoid charges of hypocrisy or perceived bias, should Chairman Schiff recuse himself from his intended investigations after meeting with a witness of an ongoing investigation?” he rhetorically asked when word of the meeting first emerged last month.
Hannity echoed this sentiment Friday.
“Given the serious conflicts of interest — now allegations of witness tampering, collusion, apparent leaking that needs to be investigated — he needs to hold himself to the same standard, and that would be to recuse himself immediately,” he argued.
“There now needs to be an ethics investigation into Adam Schiff and he needs to be held accountable. No wonder he doesn’t want to come on this show. His actions over the past two years represent every single thing that is wrong with the sewer of Washington, D.C.”
All these discoveries greatly call into question Schiff’s true motives. While portraying himself as just a dedicated lawmaker in pursuit of justice, his actions reek of an almost pathological animus against the president. For instance, he’s suggested he won’t accept Mueller’s conclusion.
“Democrat Adam Schiff is on record refusing to even answer if he would accept Robert Mueller’s conclusion if the Mueller report does not find Russian collusion,” Fox News journalist Ed Henry pointed out to Hannity. “Instead, Schiff told CNN last month he’s moving forward with his own House Intel investigation so that the Russia probe will continue no matter what Mueller finds.”
Moreover, according to Henry’s, sources, the congressman’s meeting with Cohen concerned “such topics as whether the president inflated some of his assets to insurance companies, and his close relationship with the head of the National Enquirer.”
But what do these topics have to do with intelligence matters?
“That raises eyebrows about how that ties in to oversight of intelligence matters, which is what Schiff is supposed to be doing,” Henry concluded. “In fact, those topics were among the ones that Cohen ended up discussing in his public testimony that went after the President.”

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